You can’t put a price on love.
And with your help, no one will have to.
We are often asked, “What do you charge for all these incredible services?” The answer: $0.00.
With your help and support, we can ease the great burden on families and breathe new air into their lungs. 100% of donations go to the children.
Every dollar lights up a child’s life.
Every donation changes lives.
Our bottom line is every special child’s health and happiness
Registered Non-Profit
The Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, registered with the state of New York under number 22-3800123.
Low Overhead
The Center and all its activities are powered by loving staff and volunteers who donate their time to help our children thrive.
Dollars Wisely Spent
Every spending decision is meticulously assessed to ensure funds are helping special children and their families.
“everything has changed since the Special Children’s Center.”
“My life, my marriage, everything has changed since the Special Children’s Center.”
—Ruth Terzi
Parent of special-needs child
“Without the center everything would be different”
Without the center everything would be different. My child’s siblings wouldn’t be able to do their homework, have a normal peaceful few hours with their parents. You would see a lot more stress, a lot of that care falling through on both ends. The special kid wouldn’t get cared for properly and the family wouldn’t be able to float.
—Chana Kirkheli
Parent of special-needs child